Getting back in shape...
So, I recently signed up for a membership at 24 Hour Fitness. The upfront cost was a little more that I wanted to pay but I like the club and I wanted to get back into shape. So, I'm now a member. :-)
Anyway, this morning I went in for my 1 free personal training session. Basically they take some measurements, ask you where you ultimately want to be physically and show you some basic workouts. Of course you can ask questions to get even more information. Here is what I found out:
Today's Stats
Resting Heart Rate: 67
Target Heart Rate: 145 - 160
Percent Body Fat: 15%
Percent Lean Muscle: 85%
Weight: 177
Percent Body Fat: 10%
Percent Lean Muscle: 90%
Weight: 187
Scott, the personal trainer, talked to me about changing my workout habits to focus on more specific area rather than working all upper body one day and all lower body the next. He also said that I should spread out my weight training days by throwing in "resting" or strictly cardio days. So, I think my workout plan will look something like this:
- Monday: cardio warmup, chest and back
- Tuesday: cardio and abs
- Wednesday: cardio warmup and legs
- Thursday: cardio and abs
- Friday: cardio warmup, arms and shoulders
- Saturday: cardio and abs
- Sunday: rest
I also found out some information about supplements that I can take to help me reach my goals. I'm currently taking Mega Men Multivitamins from GNC although Scott prefers Apex Multivitamins. He said that the only other thing I should really think about taking is Muscle Milk. Supposedly the best flavors are strawberry and cookies and cream. I think I might try some of that.
And finally...but most importantly, we talked about my eating habits. Working at Q has really not aided me in finding a health diet but I'm not working on fixing that. Scott said that I should be taking in about 2400 - 2500 calories a day (provided that I actually do what I have spelled out above).
Maybe one day soon I'll actually look like something more than some scrawny kid... :-)
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